Roc N Soc MSRR trommestol med spinnhøydejustering. "Manual Spindler" er designet for enkel og kompakt bruk. Spindelhøydekontrollen er den mest presise og holdbare av sitt slag på markedet.
Setehøyden justeres fra 15" til 29" (38cm - 74cm)
Stolene er håndlaget i USA.
Seats, bases and hardware are built using the best materials in the world. Multiple sets of eyes check and re-check every step in the manufacturing process.
Welds are 100% guaranteed, and all models are repairable and upgradeable.
Saddle seats, shocks and rockers reduce fatigue on lower back and legs with a focus on support, stability and comfort. We were building ergonomics into our seating long before industries moved in that direction.